Monday, January 18, 2010

Happily Unbridaled Again??

Well the start of 2010 and I launched that by going to the Bridal Show -- totally something I have never done before. Kind of funny to think of Divorcees flocking to Bridal shows but I'm sure there was a ton there. Between the rockin motor home out front decked out like a night club -- just missing John Travolta and a three piece white suit -- the three tier cakes surrounded in lights and belted in 3" of rhinestones, the chocolate cupcakes covered in dark chocolate and sprinkled with real gold dust, shizaam! What prizes can the world present to make this the day of days? And why wouldn't the marriage pale in comparison to this movie star event???

Well as this divorcee was standing there watching this parade of elegant products trying not to let divorcee madness ruin the dream theme -- snazzy, glam, elegant, well I was thinking about the Divorcees and should we not have representation? How about the UNBRIDALED SHOW. Humor is the medicine to help ease the event that changes ever aspect of your life. Often times it affects your sense of humor. Not being gender biased, the following is a good laugh for the day for all the gay Divorcees, soon to bes, and wannabes:

A 90 yr. old couple decided to get a divorce. The judge was shocked and said "you've been married 70 years and now you want a divorce? Why did you wait so long?" The couple said in unison "well we wanted to wait until all the kids were dead!"

A Woman's Perfect Breakfast:

You're sitting at the breakfast table....
You're son's picture is on the Box of Wheaties,
Your daughter's picture on the cover of Fortune,
Your boyfriend is on the cover of Playboy,
and your husband, is on the back of a milk carton!!!

Instead of getting married again, I am going to find a woman I don't like and just give her the car.

Love may be blind, but marriage is a real eye opener.

35% of people who use the personal ads for dating are already married.

90% of men kiss their wife goodbye when they leave the house.
10% kiss their house goodbye when they leave the wife.

First Guy (Proudly) "my wife's an Angel!"
Second Guy "you're lucky -- my wife's still alive."

Why are hurricanes usually named for a woman? Because when they arrive they're wet and wild, but when they go they take the house and car.

For Sale -- Wedding Dress Size 12, worn only once by mistake!!

Why is divorce so expensive? Answer: Because it's worth it!!

Yea my husband and I just split up. I finally faced the fact that we're incompatible. I'm a Virgo and he's an asshole.

I've never been married, but I tell people I'm divorced so they won't think something is wrong with me.

And does that say enough -- DO WE NEED AN UNBRIDALED SHOW FOR GAY DIVORCEES???????

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Simeon Ford, the proprietor of the Old Grand Union Hotel in New York said, "you don't need to know anything about a hotel to run one. You just open up and the customers tell you how to run it."

That must be true of other businesses, too. I heard of a newspaper editor who called in her assistant and handed him a stack of papers. "These are suggestions sent in by subscribers on how to run our paper. Make sure you carry them out," she said.

He did. He carried them out and dropped them in the trash bin.

Many people are quick to suggest, and quicker to criticize. When asked why she was always so critical, one woman said, "I guess I just have a knack for seeing other people"s faults!" (There's a gift she could hide under a bushel.)

CRITICIZERS are not hard to find. What the world needs are ENCOURAGERS. NoT more people to find fault, but people to point out our strengths and encourage us to excel. The most successful people look for positive qualities. They see potential where others see failure and problems. And they encourage success in others.

Mark Twain put it like this: "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that! Really great make you feel that you too, can become great."

Who do you spend time with? criticizers -- ENCOURAGERS? Which are you? Surround yourself with those who believe in you. Be the person you want others to be.

Life is too important for anything else!!!!!!