Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is Your Love Going Bankrupt?

I find it amazing, no its insane, that people live together, get married or spend whatever ridiculous amount of money to put a life together and then neglect it and let it rot away. And what do they do, well they meet another person, build a life again and let it all rot away again.

How do folks move from happy to unhappy. Well how many times have you sat down with your spouse, in a calm manner, trying to communicate you have a problem and would like your spouse's help with a solution? How many times have they said "oh I see and will do " and your rump again hit the icy cold water of the toilet bowl at 1:00 a.m. surprise! And when you return storming to the bedroom, the blue water running down your legs on the off white carpet - switching on the light to locate a towel and new pj bottoms -- he yells "shut the light off --I'm sleeping." Well, here comes the neglect for again after he promised not to neglect your request again. And what does ongoing neglect cause the
anger that causes you to grab the bull horn from under the bed - kept just in case of burglars - and yell into his hairy ears - well let's just say its an f bomb and wait until you want some help! And off you go to sleep unhappy again your wants neglected.

I am not just picking on pants because there is many a pant suit wearer that also signs on to help another but in the long run abandons that promise as we can see by the Mel Gibson melt down. Wonder what promise went bad there? I think it could be she promised sex on a daily basis and decided not to hold up her end of his bargain.

But regardless what is wrong with people?? Why does everyone want to be so unhappy?? Each of us will eventually have a problem and will need help from our spouse to get a solution. Could be Mr. Can't Put The Toilet Seat down has a St. Bernard sick again and he wants the Mrs. to help load Bernie into the car. Well too bad sucker -- you have no help deposits left in your bank account to draw on - you neglected her needs. You are bankrupt! And he then becomes unhappy totally forgetting just last night she and the toilet bowl were kissing cousins for the 100th time.

And what is partnership? Well its supposed to be a balance system of helps from your spouse -- you help me when I need it -- I help you and we stay happy. But when one side of the fence loves to make withdrawals and neglects to make deposits, we have love bankruptcy. Basically people who could be happy together, terribly unhappy again, and again and again until they kill the love they once had.

And of course no one takes this deposit/withdrawal system seriously until they find some other guy in bed with the wife. And be dammed if he didn't put the toilet seat down, he looks wonderfully happy and by the look of the wife, she finally looks darn happy too. I guess the real word for HEAVEN is -- COOPERATION! Regardless he made the deposit and he is getting a good return on that little investment.

And so it is silly but true. It isn't the big things in life that cause resentment or unhappiness, its the little things of neglect that kill the love and create unhappiness? Are you a making your requested deposits or just love the withdrawal process??

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