Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Monster Memories!!!

This morning I heard a little something about the drug problems today compared to the 50s and 60s. Why so much drug use today -- to escape -- what ???????? Hello, its the SPARE THE ROD -- SPOIL THE CHILD -- MAKE A MONSTER time . Its the tail not just wagging, but whipping the dog. Its the parent driving the 10 year old Tercel -- the kid the Celica convertible. Its the monsters not working but screaming "Show me the money." If they work -- heaven help who employs them -- they are spending it on booze, CDs and screaming for essentials like money to eat and wash their crappy underwear.

Now drugs of my day took the makings of a monster right out of you!!! Yep -- The parents got us up Sunday morning and drug us to church -- drug us into the bathroom first to clean up. If we were supposed to do the dishes and didn't, they drug us to the kitchen sink. If we had a foul mouth, they drug out the bar of soap and drug us to the bathroom and used it on us. They drug us to the neighbour's yard to be friendly and helpful. If the neighbour paid us for lawn cutting, the parents drug us back to return the money to know the good feeling of a favor.

Our parents drug us to family reunions, funerals, etc. with relatives we didn't necessarily know or like. If we were rude, they drug us out to the back seat of the car to sit for hours. If we didn't clean our room, they drug us by the ear to our bedroom and stayed there until we moved. And yes, in those days the neighbours, if we threw a stone through their window, the neighbour drug us by the shirt home to the parents. And what did our parents do, hello, they thanked the neighbour for dragging home their little monsters. If we stole they drug us back to the store to make amends. And this drugging took place anywhere, everywhere even at school -- we were drug down to the principal's office for the strap if we acted badly. We understood the worst we behaved the more we got drugged.

What really boggles my mind is 40 yr. olds (the jelly fish parenting team) deciding in therapy not to associate with their aging parents,or carrying a grudge, because of the drugging their parents did to civilize them. Holy Crap how do you and Dr. Phillette totally white wash a ton of your B.S? Are you both on drugs or do you need shock treatment to remember your meanness? And how is your jelly fish parenting working in your house -- why did your kid just Fbomb you or steal your bank card? Why are your superstars inhaling anything rolled up including the living room carpet to deal (what ever that stupidity means) with living with you -- you spoil them to be rotten don't you?

If you are boring me with your whining about your
bad, bad, bad child hood memories -- go some place else. Your BAD, BAD, BAD BEHAVIOR produced those BAD, BAD, BAD CHILD HOOD MEMORIES. Like the song says, IT HAD TO BE YOU!

And without the drugging how are you enjoying lonliness? Is your best friend (if they can stand your arrogant self) your dog, your father and will you soon be pounding the concrete -- surrounded by concrete (could be rehab) -- or possibly under it.

For me, I thank God for the drugging every time I enter a room when I notice people don't sigh with disappointment, hide their purses or hold up a crucifix. Yes, I confess interacting with the yet to be civilized, I sigh hoping no one hears , I have locked the purse in the trunk. and said novenas while the parents deal with their uncivilized monsters. These are 23 year olds. For the adult monsters (baby werewolves grow up) I confess I have made up phony excuses like an urgent peeing dog and blinding migraines. I just hope they don't catch me tooling around some place else because they are stupid enough to put me on the spot with "Hey I thought you had a headache and couldn't stay for dinner." Love to say, "werewolf headache."

Question of the day -- Why are parents not drugging their negatively behaving kids? Second question -- why am I a bad person if I won't tolerate their kid's abuse too? How did my negative response ruin their monster kid's ego? Eventually, even with the patience of Jesus, there are only two choices when dealing with monsters -- fight or flight. If it is on my property, I won't be taking a flight.

I recall the first time I dealt with parents of a monster -- Fall of 87. I had a bakery and this woman brought in her two legged devil's spawn --if I parted his hair I could find the horns. The kid came through the door like the Road Runner and went from bun bin to bun bin fingering anything he could find. After that he introduced himself to my fresh pies cooling from the oven by climbing the pie shelves to have a look? If he was in motion, bakery goods were no longer for sale. What did the mother the uncivilized do, well she just let him disrespect my place. Occasionally she would stop her shopping and do her weak "stop its - slow down its" but ignored his abuse like it would go away. Yes I tried the nice way "please don't do thats" but when the kid from hell gives you that "mind your own ------- business look " well mama, " its time you please remove your disrespectful jerky kid from my store!!" She left, highly insulted, banging my door but at least her wild child was gone.

The next morning, the sperm donor of the Werewolf arrived to aggressively advise me that he is going to do some serious negative advertising to ruin my business. Is this not the moment when you wish there was a drive by shooting and this ass got caught in the cross fire so he couldn't reproduce further.

Well as Forest Gump says, Life is like a box of chocolates -- and there's a fair share of nuts in it -- you just have to know how to crush a few. In this case, I pointed out Bad Behavior gets Rejection and maybe he should teach his kid some better behavior -- he didn't get it. So I out trumped him with, "whatever -- you will be hearing from my lawyer and in my responsible efforts of honouring health regulations for my customers, you just might be rewarding me with your kid's college fund.' Doubt the kid would need it -- he would probably get kicked out of school and I hear you get a free college education in prison. Ask Karla Homolka -- she speaks French and I think she is a Lawyer in France.

In summary of my search for the joys of life -- The drugging in my youth have served me well. The joy of a good excuse. I propose parents would wake up and smell the blood --someone could be grinding the axe in the bedroom next door and with the axe you bought on your Gold Card just last night.

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