Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Osmond vrs. Osborne

My mission has always been to create a better earth starting with what I produce. Problem -- how do we identify sickos and not procreate with them? Thank God for menopause, but other problems still linger.

Oh how easily in the dating days do the deviants sell their unfair Terrible Childhood, hook in the kind hearted women story. How cleverly do the villains turn themselves into Victims? How the wolves love donning the good looking, red riding hood outfit. The deviants swagger; they zoom, zoom, in their fancy cars; boast about their smarts, education and resume; they pass the cash fast and create an illusionary lifestyle of sex, drugs and rock and roll. Women, always wanting to be vets or nurses, love the bad boys and believe they really can turn a Pitbull into a Poodle.

I like wise words and should have taken Sanity 101 instead of Science in High School. i.e. Maya Angelo and her "when someone shows you the first time who they really are, believe it" Well, that sounds very wise, but Maya, how do we activate our sense of awareness when the perpetrator is expert at deceiving their women?? How do we reroll the carpet of emotional and sexual connection and return to stoic logic when women instinctively believe that she can change any pitiful mess of masculinity? The only time you ever get to change a man is his diapers and from then on, damage done.

Maya, how do we unring the bell and erase the pain of stupid and maybe death? The Aids killer doesn't normally announce " No sex today, I have Aids ." The child molester doesn't give a clue like "I can't babysit, I'm court ordered not to go near a school yard." The deviant sociopath doesn't present "I can't marry -- I shoot people and sleep like a baby." Maya, where are the uh huh clues that should scream Run Forest Run? Do we all need a psychology degree to know whose who? We are like lambs going to the slaughter in the dating world and these guys know it, especially as the ladie's tooth gets longer. How do we identify the cold hearted, they look so darn charming, harmless and death certificate of the wife to prove WIDOW????? Maybe we just throw the dice, and if hell comes, round up the posse and do THE EYE FOR AN EYE THING.

Well here is one lesson the gals should have been taught over and over in school and not on friggin flowers -- its called genetics and pay heed if you want to escape the pain of pains -- women are only as happy as their unhappiest child.

I don't know if any of you are watching this bout of Dancing with the Stars. In the black corner we have the now wind out of his sales, Ozzie Osborne, the Prince of Darkness, dolled in black with the lovely $100,00 cosmetic job Sharon on his arm. Now frail, no doubt from all the chemicals known to mankind, pathetic guy in drag is clapping for Kelly like a two year old who just found his fingers. You need to be surrounded by heavy metal to just sit near this crazy nut.

In the white corner, Donnie Osmond, the Prince of Light, Mr. classy and clean living. He's robust,his teeth are like Chiclets and he moves like a 21 year old. Nothing but tea has probably gone past those lips and it probably was in a straw to keep those Chicklets sparklin. You just hope he gives you the nod to go home with him for an Osmond Xmas.

Well, question, what are the outcomes of these two sperm donors. I don't know whether to cry or marvel at Kelly being able to walk, talk without slurring and not having pupils the size of dimes. Isn't it a miracle how drugs can eat holes in your brain for years and she can still dance? Daddy's Little girl, certified drug user since 13, and living on suicide watch has been Ozzie's avid student and probably shares the Pent House suite with brother Jack at the Betty Ford. How does the world not get a light bulb moment of 2million watts so bright that it would bring in a 747 with the damage this crazy deviant has role modelled while his kids were growing up? Doubt Ozzie sees any connection or feels guilty. Come on ladies. Does Sharon really think drugged out, eat the head off a bat, Ozzie, makes him a good candidate for a Daddy. Apparently so and she will pay the price for that backwoods thinking.

As for Donnie's influence, I doubt we will see the fruit of his loins on TMZ crawling down some sidewalk without their underwear or speeding off in a black SUV only to be found later going the wrong way on the Expressway carrying enough Marijuana plants to start the grow house business in Utah.

And so I say: Ladies, don't be a dope. If you marry a dope, on dope and if you think he won't turn the kids into dopes on dope, you are a dope.

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