Friday, November 6, 2009

Are You a no fun of a Bitch???

Yes you read the title right -- did it make you laugh or gasp! Depending on what reaction you had -- you should know if you are on the fun or no fun side of the room!! If you are a grown up, serious, no fun of a bitch, you are making life stink for yourself and the ones around you who need play to be healthy. That's scientific research not my BS. We learn better with laughter and play helps the burnout. Are you burning others out with your no fun crap?? Hello -- play is a luxury that you can well afford.

I just returned form Mykonos -- a little Greek out of the way place . With all this yada yada about hard economic times how come people are forever eating out? Probably, they need places that are fun to help ease the pain. Whether its the seaside decoration, the cross eyed waitress who called me Young Lady, the plate smashing (just kidding), or the hostess, this little place seemed fun. If I had to take one thing out of the bunch to say what would entice me to come back again, it was the Hostess. Dolled in her finest, jewels on the fingers and bells on her toes, she went table to table calling anyone she knew Darlin, hugging and commenting on who was not using their walker and meeting us newbies in her fun way. This was not the Taj Maha hall -- our tables were twelve inches apart -- your rump was swiping someone's olives off their salad, not to mention the Feta, but it was a Cheers of a sort minus feisty Carla.

As I've said, its not where you go, its who you go with or who is there. Often we are told the opposite of play is work -- Wrong OH -- its DEPRESSION. Sadly, even the sports today are too structured to emulate spontaneous fun play. Don't you just love the coach or some other serious wanna be super star, calling you a lazy, no talent hack or doing that deep breathing thing when you mistakenly shoot the volleyball into the I beam on the ceiling and they have to get the Janitor to get it down. Love the rolling eyeballs. Well cancel the no fun sports for the kids.

Anything and anybody too serious -- sucks the fun. And as I said in previous blog, school is no fun because school is too exam oriented to promote spontaneous fun. All about structure and performance and worse, we send the poor little saps to Sucksville at 3 so they can get right down to Algebra by grade 2 and beat those Japanese kids.

To add to today's playless society, when you pass a school yard where are the kids jumping rope, playing hop scotch, marbles, or doing their little ritual insults -- you know, "David why did your mother knit you another angora kitten sweater and why did you wear it?" Gone is the gossip drama, joking, and story telling. You can see the kids on cell phones in the school yard, calling whomever -- drug dealers or some other kid in another school yard, or texting their friend on the bench beside them saying some useless thing ending with Ha Ha. If the teacher brings out the sports equipment -- all you hear is a massive groan and a collective really, you want us to play, we are doing something!!!

Too bad -- we need the playground as much as the classroom -- having fun builds bigger and better brains. Life without play is just a sense of dullness and pessimism.

I often think about going back into a work situation and I start to shake like an addict starting withdrawal. Why, because of the seriousness of the majority of people who often hold the commando positions. Its conjures up fear like working with Martha Stewart day after day. If I work for myself, I can control the fun meter and my motto is THOSE WHO LAUGH TOGETHER, WORK TOGETHER BETTER. Even if I had a funeral home, I would want the place to be fun i.e. We are the last people who will let you down. Or let us arrange your last mile in style. And for Halloween -- the coffins would have mannequins laid out to scare the crap out of the staff when they lifted the lid, along with flashing lights, music and cop messages like "drop that lid -- now!" At Xmas -- why not Santa Claus suits?? As for peeing in the ice cube trays -- no I don't mean moron fun.

So for many of you who may have been raised by Mr. and Mrs. No Fun Kettle, and want to leave the Biggest Loser Club, doing something enjoyable may seem like a hell of a risk. Actually if you would write down 100 things, shoot for 30, do one per day -- life will be more enjoyable for yourself, the cast and crew around you. If going to a movie is too much of a commitment and time consuming, try a daily joke email, eat chips with Hell of a Dip, or read the comics. For heaven's sake do something on your list, or move to the States, get a gun and use it.

So for those of you who are working for the man get your Nerf guns loaded. When you see old serious pants sitting there, or the fatigued because they just got ragged out by the uppers, let em have it full blast. That will bring them around and get rid of office fatigue. Laughter is low cost and builds office morale. Wouldn't you just love to see the boss with his tie wrapped around his head Rambo style, or on the desk doing the Can Can to New York New York. Trust me that would build the social bonds and help people through the office tough times.

So, that's my ten cents for today. Right now I'm going to get the dog and see if she wants to waltz with me!! Ciao!!

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