Sunday, November 1, 2009

U can pay for School but U can't buy Class

I can recall the moment when we heard President Kennedy was assassinated. I had one foot in the air mounting the steps of my school bus and the next moment I could hear the thud of my footstep hit the metal with the boom of surround sound. During the weeks following I watched unexplained events unfold almost as terrifying as 9/ll. My eyes were glued on the woman -- Jackie Kennedy.

If you know the story of this lady, she had the bickersons as parents, majorly cheating husband, still birth, miscarriage problems, and finally the lovely in car assassination. Here is what she told a friend. "I have come to the conclusion that one must not expect too much from life. We must give life at least as much as we receive from it. Every moment one lives is different from the next. The good, the bad, the hardship, the joy, the tragedy, love and happiness are all interwoven into one single indescribable whole that is called life. You cannot stop the good from the bad and perhaps there is no need to do so either."

There is no other name that comes to mind with this woman than Classy and it had nothing to do with her family, education, money, pedigree, marital status, but how she performed. She did not wallow in justified pity. In fact she appeared to live an unscarred life, although we all know better. She married a good looking loser, a cheater, a heart breaker, marriage wrecker President of the United States just like his old man. When she went out in public she convincingly had to pretend for the world that they were from Camelot -- so in love while the girlfriend of the hour is singing Happy Birthday Mr. President. Regardless we can call her stupid but I think we saw classy -- it gave me a real look at Wonder Woman without the silly outfit.

To this day I respect her for not operating in panic mode regardless of her life of tragedy -- she kept me calm. She walked with Kings and kept her poise. She walked comfortably amongst the common folk. She is on the list of people I would most like to assemble at a dinner party, along with Jesus, Mother Theresa, Oprah, etc. where I could sample the world's wisdom.

However girls, what do you think Jackie did in her private time? Did she slash the wedding pictures? Did she have a padded room where she threw herself into fits of sobbing despair? Did she write and write her pain away? Did she have a live in therapist? But what did she do with all the pain from a life of disappointment, terror and humiliation -- although I think money helps -- but who the hell wants to play football at the Kennedy compound when you really want to pick up a shot gun and do the assassination yourself?

Regardless my Wonder Woman Jackie was always in sacrifice mode, not telling her tales of terror, but being a great world hostess, greeter and allowing others to enjoy life. Maybe the cancer told the tale of this great lady's pain, but I for one am thankful that I got to see one of the classiest ladies of all time in my life time. I believe at times I have relied on her pain techniques --for one, the big sunglasses. Never let them see you sweat nor cry.

I have no clue if Jackie Kennedy finished grammar school but her behavior trumped schooling. She didn't run scared, she maintained confidence. She met life head on and handled whatever came along. She never made excuses and her good manners at most times where nothing more than small sacrifices except for during the assassination, she made Grand Canyon sacrifices to keep our world calm and comfortable. She was a lady who could make everyone comfortable because she was comfortable within herself. And that is what we are missing today in this over educated world -- class and the comfortable they bring.

I for one am fed up to the eyeballs with bragging parents,who are going broke as we speak with picking up the total tab of their over educated classless brats. Perhaps all the bragging about their latest test scores, or degree is not just first generation classless, or they really want me to know they are getting their money's worth, but its still a visit from hell.

And to make it worse Mrs. almost B.A. and Mr. almost PHD barely can speak a word of hello when you enter the room because you just aren't at their education level. You want to scream at the parents -- you can pay for their school, but you can't buy them class -- therefore would you send these two brats to their rooms and give me a rest on lack of class.

And so for all the parents who are going broke remortgaging the house, upping credit cards for cell phones, cars, student housing, wake up and smell the coffee. Spend the cash on a good course in class. Might not stick but money better spent. At least when you enter the room, they won't snub you too you peasant.

If you have class you don't need much of anything else. If you don't -- no matter what else you have, it doesn't make much difference. HELLO DONALD TRUMP!!!

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