Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dog Gone Good Diet

If you read my bio, a great joy of my life is as a Solutionist -- I love solutions and especially Simple Solutions that are outside the box. Yesterday once I wrote the blog about weight, well it was weight galore day. It started with an Oprah show, and hearing Dr. Oz counsel some, and I say this with sadness, very obese teens. How to 9/ll the best years of your life. It is scary that teens have the diseases of 60 year olds like high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. The Doc's solutions -- just change what they drink to water, etc. they could drop their weight by 40% and, secondly avoid supersizing. Now he skidded over the nutrition stuff because there would have been a riot in the studio if he really told them the fries were out and sugar had to go and I think that might have been lead by our Oprah.

Well, Oprah's Lets Skinny Down The Teens Day was the start and it ended with More to Love. Have any of you followed that? Its the Pennington's version of the Bachelorette -- from size 4 to 24. Its our same women looking dumb show though. Women hating on other nice women because why? There is only one great guy left in the whole wide world. Now if you followed Dancing with the Stars, (can't recall her name) the devistated gal from the last Bachelorette who got dumped after he picked her in front of millions of people, well lo and behold once she started Dancing with the Stars, Mr. Perfect No. 2 popped up and she is engaged. Come on! People (men and women) are like buses -- if you miss one there is still another one coming -- just pray its a good one though? Put that women thing in because men act just as crazy when some gal waves goodbye.

Well I am having a high blood pressure attack watching these women go postal in front of the world when he rejects them. And I quote "it will take me another 21 years to get another date?" What are you thinking? I want to get in the t.v. set, shake some sense into someone and scream, there are a million ways you can drop pounds, including lap band, etc. and then you won't give this guy a second look. Finally, why would you want Mr. Luke? If he doesn't lose weight you will be his nurse or his purse. Once the heart attack hits, someone will have to bring home the bacon. And, heads up, if you both don't adopt a healthy lifestyle -- you will be on the Biggest Loser Family Show and Jillian will be on you like white on rice. We all know our little monkeys see and our little monkeys do too-- and hasn't that one come to haunt us folks?

So I went to sleep with the question of how to drop the pounds on my mind. When my eyes sprung open this morning I had a light bulb simple solution I wish to share with my blog followers. If you have a dog, or there is a dog in the house, we all know how we love the dog, and yes, often times more than the kids. The dog thinks we are wonderful -- gorgeous too. Well, whatever you are about to eat, you have to give it to the dog too. I'm saying if you are having cheese cake, get a doggie bag and take a slab home and feed it to the dog too. Eating chips and cookies at home - dog gets the what Mama gets. Now how often has the dog been begging for our food and we said, "No Rufus - this isn't good for you -- it will make you fat and sick" and then we proceeded to wolf it down. Isn't it true we shop for the most nutritious dog foods so the dog will be healthy, they won't die before their time, and finally, we won't have huge vet bills. Obviously we think more of the dog than we do ourselves.

So, I love the joy of a great fat loss idea (going to call Oprah on this one) but better yet, the joy of being the person the dog thinks I am -- smart and slim!!! P.S. If you don't have a dog a good reason to rescue one who has a time limit at the Humane Society -- don't want to go there. Going out to hug Snowie.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Arlene-finally a blog I can stomach :)
    Got any weightloss ideas for those who dont enjoy the dogs?
    We should get together soon for a bbq and swim, it was awsome to see little Sara this weekend- I feel privilaged that someone flew in to have drinks with me!
    Any ways keep up the blogging- I will keep reading!~
