Friday, August 28, 2009

Let's Get Civical - Civical !!

Do we recall our Olivia Newton John -- headband, leg warmers -- screaming Let's Get Physical. Well I'm her twin but I'm screaming "Let's Get Civical/Civilized." Fat is an epidemic but so is rudeness!! How we treat each other improves or lessens the quality of our lives! Did you know that a rude, unfair boss that mistreats you can cause your heart disease? However aside from the boss, my question is: are people being raised by wolves? Every day I leave home, I have to kiss my crucifix because its a hell of a ride through an impatient, rude world out there.

As the mother of an only child, who was hell bent on having an only child, I was warned, oh how I was warned I would be creating a rude, spoiled brat and solution, have another. Well, I gave it some serious thought as folks wouldn't let up on me, and then the light bulb moment came. She can't be a spoiled brat if I don't show her how to be one or allow her to be one even if she comes packaged that way. How many people raised 2,3,4 rude spoiled brats. Obviously it isn't the number -- its monkey see, monkey do too technique, or let the terrors rule. Well a good spanking took care of any Hitler in training in my day before CAS gave the little Hitlers their phone number. Now the laugh is on them. Wonder why there are too many kids in the system and not enough Social Workers? Good Government planning eh?

However that was 30 years ago, now we have an epidemic of rudeness, 5 star rudeness and growing. The hardest thing a kid has to learn today is how to be mannerly when none seemingly exist around them.

Ever gazed across a restaurant and seen some guy with his family out for dinner, yapping away on that cell phone making his what -- golf date. Or giving the waiter pure living hell because his pasta is cold or his martini only had one olive instead of two. And when the pasta is warmed (could have been spit on in the process) and the martini has two olives (and who knows if that took a trip to the washroom), he just grunts or gives that get lost nod.

Now let's not forget the gals. The chick using the GPS system that when that idiot machine said "turn right here", well across the road in front of you she shot like a circus freak out of a cannon.
Now get this when you honked the horn out of sheer frightful reflex action, she gave you the finger and fired you one of those looks like, I'm packing a pistol so back off sister!!!

Now let's see who is sitting in the back seat watching Ma Barker -- hello, 2 kids in safety seats -- who at any given moment are truly going to need those safety seats. And where is the mother of the year going in her Lexus SUV? Well not fleeing from the cops but to some 35% off sale at Home Sense that she wants to fit in before she picks up the other monkey see, monkey do -- at soccer. Now that is what the kids see over and over and over.

When it comes to picking up Fido's fertilizer, or letting Fido decorate the neighbour's lawn with yellow polka dots, "ah who cares". Many a cop has been called over flying dog poop!! Oh yeah!!! Who's watching this freak show -- the kids! And if we don't stop it, well it could become an Olympic event - Yes The Flinging of the Dog Poop, that's how low we may go folks.

It may be that we are doing a fantastic job demonstrating good manners at home, or are you? Do you just grunt at one another instead of saying yes, or a grunt instead of please and thank you. Now hold on, what about the jack ass teachers, neighbours, relatives that you let or are forced to let your kid see on a regular basis. Bad manners are contagious -- and Grandpa scratching his what nots counts and barkng like Frank at Marie on Everyone Loves Raymond -- yes sirree!!

So Oprah better get off the pedophile bandwagon for a while and put a rush on the manners epidemic before we all perish!!! Hear this folks -- manners matter most and we are in a hell of a mess!!! So Oprah, Get on it girl. As for me, today and every day -- will try to mind my manners. Who knows what little who is watching? But lest we forget, God is !!!
Oh the Joy of being around people with good manners.

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