Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010!!! a poem to the Control Freak??

Are men or women worse to live with? Answer: it isn't the institution, it's the inmates! So folks, you've heard of the O List - Oprah's Most Wanted gift list. Well the profile of the toughest inmate to live with whether it be in pants or carrying a Prada purse is on my A List - folks Most Not Wanted List for 2010. Study this one. If it is you -- get to the LCBO and pass out lots of booze! We'll all need it.

A different kind of Geek,
This is someone needing to dominate.
Its always got to be their way
or they aggravate or irritate!

Their appetite for control does never satiate.
Never satisfied unless it is realized.
They must have their way
Night by night, Day by Day.

Don't shake their world
don't move anything.
Always get their permission
before taking any action.

Less they feel powerless,
this is truly their internal struggle.
Feeling out of control and weak,
they try to manage someone and seek
To lord themselves over you.

Micro managing everything you do
if they cannot control their life at large.
Have at least one over you or something smaller,
They must rise up and take charge.

This then will make them feel better,
As they run around like an Irish Setter,
Out of control, though they project superiority,
Pitifully trying to establish their identity.

On the grounds of their lordship,
Yet such frivolities never do power or equip
them for purposeful living.
Space and grace they are never giving.

As they border on being a perfectionist,
By far on this there is no bliss,
Certainly it's a facade as they're not perfect,
And this it takes little effort to detect.

Yet the control feels so good,
they can't neglect to drive others
like cattle and to boss around,
Exert their control at home and in town.

Though they make friends and family frown
As they live in their own misery they inwardly drown.
For in some perverse way it feels good for them to prey,
On others less domineering of themselves each day.

The goal to master and have rule of others
Instead of the control of their own lives,
A master manipulator - A wretched terminator.
Of due relationship and friendship,
A deadly and sore evil,
Controlling tendencies medieval,
Cruel to the core.

With Pettiness people around them they boss,
and quickly close intimate relational doors.
As they remain discontent and seek more,
Yet it continually eludes their grasp as the precious hours pass.

Their compulsion and addiction
having great hold on them,
Meanwhile precious family and friends
walk out on them one by one.

The control freak meanwhile doesn't know
what they have done,
Enslaved in their domination
and pursuing intimidation.

Sure to soon be all alone,
Driving away everyone from their home.
If only they could just love and live,
Let others be, they could exist happily.

Eventually the controller will experience their own disintegration.
And give the rest of the world liberation.

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