Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stand by your what??

Does anyone know who Tammy Wynette is -- well, I think she is the trouble maker who started that song STAND BY YOUR MAN. Always a woman doing a woman in. Anyhow, that little ditty has gotten more women hammered to the cross of guilt, shame, feeling sick inside and looking like a retard for her lifetime. Hello Hillary Clinton. Cheated on women should be rescued and have the societal nails removed, and a limo waiting to speed them to the NO GUILT RESORT so they can maintain their respect. What a waste of good wood.

On the positive side, there is something about rich people messing up, that kind of makes you feel less like a loser in the common folk's marital game. However, what is getting me up on my hind legs today is not that Tiger Woods may be the winner of the golf game and flops at the marital game worse than many of us -- its that society -- family, friends, women, men, children and probably the Pope are majorly pressuring his already humiliated, disrespected, Swedish wife to stand by her man for the sake of the kids, him and his career? We are now hearing Daddy Tiger was the winner of the teflon zipper award and Tiger cried his little eyes out with his father's sleeping around. Regardless if Tiger has inherited the gene pool of a player, you know who you are and whose your Daddy. You can't have your cake and eat it too unless you are a man I guess and society says so because this is a double standard society.

Its seems like we are an insane society whereby men are the chosen commodity. Lets just flip the Tiger Woods hole in 13 story and other holes he has yet to conquer in the game of womanizing with his competitive temperament. Lets pretend Mrs. Tiger Woods has 13 Mr isses ( that the opposite for Mistresses or 13 Call boys) what sane member of society would be advising Tiger to -- Stand by your Woman. Right -- sounds nuts doesn't it when flipped?

On the contrar -- society would be calling her every S word they can think of and it ain't the word stunning. They (that's Society) would be telling Tiger to dump that .......bleep, bleep, bleep, faster than a New York minute, and take the kids while he's at it because their mother is a bleep, bleep, bleep and unfit to be a mother. There would be no STAND BY YOUR WOMAN guilt levied on him that required him to daily walk the streets of this earth proudly wearing a sign that says "My Woman Married Up, Slept Down and Around." I doubt a man would be chasing a Cadillac with just a golf club -- she would be picking shot gun pellets out of her Prada luggage or her parents would be trying to choose the right colour satin for the coffin.

What is wrong with us when it comes to the behavior of men and women?? For instance if we look back at the OJ Trial, a woman who left an abusive sports hero has a guy do her a favor and she is the legal murder victim of the century. And whether we want to all get lost in that Black and White race b.s., the real issue is that Mr. Football Hero killed his ex wife (not current wife) in a jealous rage. And, let's all go down on our knees and pray God will forgive us for this stereotypical thought, "well that's men -- just can't stand another man sleeping with their wife." Now if the lawyers hadn't fooled around with the gloves, he would have gotten off. Male jealousy -- can build a huge case on that which drove him to commit murder and got him off on an insanity plea. Men will be men.

Yes indeed another male, sports figure of the century and we can understand why he would commit murder. But we are shaking our heads on hearing a humiliated woman is chasing her old man with a golf club because she is so enraged with her Mr. Golfer's desire to get a hole in one where ever possible.

I hope when I write about things, whether it is the coming of the indoor toilet, the importance of decor, that people will think about what I am presenting and maybe change their thinking. We are a stupid bunch of people sometimes.

Today I am asking, why should we guilt this injured, humiliated, sick hearted woman to STAND BY HER MAN FOR THE SAKE OF THE KIDS, HIS CAREER, OR HE IS SUICIDAL. No we, as society, should not put that guilt on her. If she is even crazy enough to trust this player again and Tiger can honestly say, "thank you for another chance -- a cheating dog like me doesn't deserve one" well here is my solution.

They rewrite their prenuptial agreement. If Tiger cheats again, she doesn't get half, she gets everything and, and, and, in the meantime, she gets to have 13 hot, hunky lovers which he will get to know about, not in the shabby, sleazy way she did, but they will be picking her up at the family mansion for weekends of great sex (equivalent to years of his cheating) while he stays home and babysits the kids. Plus, the $5000 rental fee for the romping with the wife for the night, well get the American Express Card ready Tiger.

Do I hear an amen from the choir ladies????

How about that deal Tiger??? All Fore it!!! Then let's play golf.

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