Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to Have a Better 2010!!!

I can almost hear them hoisting the ball in New York Times Square for the New Years countdown, or the bottles clinking in brown bags coming from the liquor store as folks load up on toasting material. It is like we are all preparing for one gigantic Birthday Party going from 9 to 10. And our hope -- we get better as we age, 2010 will be a better year for us.

I personally like the number 10 because if you look at human development, you certainly had left kindergarten; knew the alphabet, currency, hygiene, how to cook Kraft Dinner and had enough common sense not to let your baby sister eat cigarette butts if your Mother left the room. What am I really saying -- well 10 is the common sense phase number and even in some countries African kids, whose parents have died from Aids are able to be family breadwinners. Seems like we know a few things to carry on.

As I think about 2009 -- well how are the people I know going to address being a year older -- Becoming Better in 2010. Well hold onto your hats Jenny Craig -- fat is where its at. Now that we have Marie Osmond and Valarie Bertinelli on board, Jenny will be a calling. Yesterday I saw a show where a woman had a band of mesh sewn on her tongue, so she cannot chew food and lives on a liquid diet. Dropped a pile. Yes for a lot of women, better in 2010 will be dropping the fat. Accomplish possible -- well did the flying bonzinee take out the Pope at Xmas Mass? Nope but good try lady!

For others high focus will be kicking the drugs, the butts, the booze, the clutter or kicking the husband or the mooching kids out of the house. Again attainable -- does Charlie Sheen know how not to be abusive to women? Nope! But believe me -- there is something about a New Year -- a birth for something better-- that drives people crazy for a while to try some new tricks to have a better life.

Now for me, I would like to recommend how to have a better life in 2010 -- something attainable -- Be a Better Person. Our behavior has great power on our lives. Behavior dictates our Destiny. Our Behavior produces great results -- on the negative or positive side. On the negative side, our negative behavior grows anger, resentment, tension, basically rejection from those around us.

Behavior is the only change we can make in order to make our lives better from the bedroom to the boardroom and there's a lot of social settings in between. I am not taking about becoming as Meek as a Monk but it seems to extreme, Bitchy as a Bitch is now the behavior flavor that is growing ever popular. And what great results does bitchy produce in your world?

And is it possible to pick your behavior. Evident in my day it was called put on your Sunday Best. At home your behavior was whatever you decided (we always abuse the ones we love) and when you left the house, well you changed the rude to polite and the neighbours liked you better than your parents. Ta Da. But behavior is always choice, a thing you control that produces a result.

What is sad is that people measure their behavior against other's bitchy negative behavior and say I'm or it's not so bad here. And if I was not enlightened I would have to agree. To compare your kid who just stole $10 and your Grandmother's ring out of your purse, and hocked it for pot and didn't take the credit cards and max them out like your sister's kid, I guess your kid is better. However, what great result did either kid's negative behavior create? Doubt either of you want to give them a big hug and kiss -- probably hiding out in the car with the CAS number clutched in your hand trying to figure out if you should call for them to take the kid or you for your protection??

So, in order to become better how ridiculous to Measure WHAT IS BETTER against other's behavior. In order for each of us to become a better person, we measure me against me, and pour over results of our actions. Because there will always be individuals ahead of you -- more civil, polite, skilled and moral and morons behind you. Either way, another's behavior doesn't help your cause.

So I hope for anyone who would read my Blog you might just adopt the idea that in order for me to have a better 2010, I need to behave better to all others -- that includes the folks who are family -- at all times. And if I do, my whole world should respond accordingly and what a beautiful world my world will be. Because truthfully, you can be as slim as a dime and behave like a dictator Diva and we won't be singing your praises when they lower the box. However, your going might make the whole world a more beautiful place to be.

I will so miss those who pass over who valued me in their sensitive treatment of me. And in turn, I hope when I listen in on your recall of Arlene stories -- because the other side is all around you -- I will be missed for I no longer exist . A tear will be shed for my positive behavior that hopefully translated into my sensitivity to others.

This is my HOW TO HAVE A BETTER 2010. You can treat everyone around you like you with sensitivity. If you have to pretend that the person who you share a bedroom with is a dear friend, a movie star, someone special whom you love that you don't see often. See how your behavior changes to a sensitive manner towards that person. I doubt you will hog the covers, pass gas like a trucker, run in and out of the bedroom like a bull in a china shop and basically treat them like their needs don't matter to you.

LETS MAKE IT THE YEAR of LETS PRETEND -- I eat, sleep and live with someone I want to impress -- my friend/boss at work -- and just like my work performance review, they will be writing an everyday behavior review (like a restaurant review) and reading it aloud at my Goodbye Party. What would they say today? What would I like them to say?

Actually I have heard of funerals where family members got up and told the truth -- the whole truth and nothing but the truth -- the Hyde side of the Jekyl. Why -- I guess they got enraged at being told how lucky they were to live 24/7 with Mr/Mrs. Nice -- loving, kind -- the two faced Jekyl -- when they actually lived with rude, crude, who gives a shit about you -- Hyde who never let up on their hides.

The guy I am talking about was an adored Kid's Hockey Coach, so the place was packed and jaws dropped as his only son got up, in tears and told how this guy was no hero. He never gave his own family the time of day. And his tears could fill buckets as he spoke of his sister --so emotionally scarred from watching her father fawning all over some other people's kids -- while she starved. Wonder how the old man liked that family goodbye speech. Not classy, but wouldn't it be great if Funerals were the truth tellers of character. Now there's a motivational tool for change.

As I said, it doesn't matter a dam if the other person behaves like an escapee from Deliverance, it is your review that you need to be concerned about being written. And this I can assure you, if what you are doing is selfish, rude, miserable and no doubt you will be getting back anger, irritation and total frustration, you had better clean up your cooking or your review will suck just like the Hockey Coaches. I have never yet seen anger come back from unselfish, sensitive and caring behavior.

So here's the "How To" Have a Better New Year -- be a better behaved person. Be unselfish, sensitive, caring to others and especially your own. Treat them like guests - people you are trying to impress. You will get cooperation, hugs, kisses, and tears and years of misses.

The business for 2010 is minding your own behavior business, minding your manners, creating a great life and hopefully a great goodbye speech.

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