Friday, September 11, 2009

9/ll again

Today is the 8th anniversary of 9/ll. That day thousands of husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, friends or , aunts, uncles, etc. got up, got dressed and went to work-- and never came home again. If you have been reading my blog, most of what I write about is finding my joys in life, big and small and enjoying life every day no matter how long or short the ride.

Today some wonderful woman sent me a joyous email entitled "I want to be Trailer Trash." This was a bit of a tongue and cheek take on the most fabulous motorhome I have ever seen and could not believe a fantastic sports car was stowed under the motorhome. I was ecstatic, appreciative and aware that some other woman took my dream seriously and high five to her. I thank her for giving my dream more than a head shake like "Arlene"s losing her marbles."

Most women, ah to hell call it as it is, people do not understand my dream -- QUEEN OF THE ROAD or just anyone's dreams. So guard your dreams from the dream squashers.

Who are the dream squashers? Call themselves the realists. Its a lie -- they are the pessimists, the negatives, who have aged more rapidly than Joan River's face, and have somehow have got out of touch with reality. Joy is placed inside of each of us that allows us to be real or true to who we really are.

Anyhow, when I see a motorhome going down the 401 -- the woo woo woo just escapes from somewhere deep inside and I get so excited for them. Do I know how to drive a motorhome -- n-o-o-o!!!! Am I going to join the Gilbert Grape caravan, who knows!! But I do know there is a dream that lays inside me, from forever, and I celebrate it as much as possible and if you don't get it, too bad for you.

So for today I think of all those people who said goodbye eight years ago and put their travel dreams on hold until what -- kids left home, became 65, won a lottery? Who know what crazy, lame excuse they came up with. If you watched the movie All About Schmidt you can see exactly what a curve life can throw you and you will be travelling down the highway alone in your motorhome.

So the joy of today, is to enjoy the ride and get a real nice ride to make the ride s-o-o-o enjoyable.

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