Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Colour Power

The colour Orange. The Colour Yellow. The Colour Blue. If I was to paint the same room any of those three colours, I would feel totally different and my feelings produce my actions. Yet how little thought do people give to the power of their colour and the taming or the waking of the shrew?

I really do take exception to the design colour council that is holed up somewhere in this world -- probably Paris-- armed guards at the door (needed), that undemocratically with their magic wand, pronounces gray is my colour for the next two years etc. In my book too much gray makes people feel gray and act gray. So the clothes, towels, the sheets, candles, the furniture fabric, and the pictures are all into mass production in what colour -- in unison kids -- g - r - a - y!!!!

Holy Hell -- no wonder we have an anti depressant epidemic on our hands! And just like cows going to the barn, folks will obediently colour their world gray, feel gray, act gray and then unconsciously take their nightly Zanex. And did you ever notice the colour of the doctor's office where you got that prescription for Zanex or the colour of a hospital -- no wonder we all freeze in dread at a stint in a hospital or wrapping ourselves in those putrid coloured gowns!! Look what happened to Michael Jackson -- he made his own at home hospital so he too could avoid the bleak and power up with his use of colour. But word of caution -- check out the personnel before they give you the nighty night medicine -- who knows how long that guy was playing with the Playboys in the bathroom?

Now in the prison world there is another colour council. They elect to paint pastel colours to keep the inmates calm. Even they have jumpsuits that are bright orange to keep them happy and be seen if they have to pick them off with a shot gun at 20 paces. I often wonder did the prison group come from the parents who gave the kid a basement bedroom, a bucket of black paint, rolls of Kiss Posters, and a box of blue light bulbs? What or who is going to emerge from the bowels of that design faux pas?

So, as I never wanted to be a cow going to the barn, and high five my unique, although I like my pastel house, I have on my bucket list the colour white. Is white a colour? Let's debate that!! What feeling/behavior that will produce in me? White on white, brushed chrome, mirrors, chrystal, and me swathed in black with splashes of colour here and there. At least I will look slim. Will I feel and act like I'm in a five star loony bin, or the star of the show, the chic of the chic?

There is so much power in colour, and if you don't believe me just look out the window and see what those trees are up to. By Oct. 13 they will have gone from green to yellow, orange, red -- and you will comment "now don't those trees look perky?" And you know who, who has been lazing around all summer, will now feel perky and undertake losing weight, going apple picking, pumpkin lookin, but there will be movement. Did you ever think -- colours just might affect our energy? Anyhow, they're the same trees kids just with colour changes. Just another joy I celebrate -- the joy in colour!!! So use it or lose it -- do you want to jump start or retard your mood? Things we never think about -- little things don't mean a lot, they mean everything!!!

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