Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Respect the domino effect!!!!!

Where have all the manners and arranged marriages gone --- long time passing? No I'm not talking about what they still do in Balliwood, or in Mennonite country. Tthere was a time when it was the mannerly thing to do to introduce the relatives to the intended. The relatives gave the thumbs down on your unmannerly date, and get this, the kids respected their opinion and dropped the sucker faster than a New York Minute trusting the relatives knew best.

I think the mistake lies in today's myths. The myth -- kids believe everything turns out okay -- there is no effect from behaving badly or marrying a bad ass. (hello Whitney, you shot your voice). Second myth -- kids believe if the parents don't approve its because they are control freaks and need something home to control. Now if I rounded up 100 mothers, I think I could get an amen from the choir if I said," after 20 years of kid hell," could you use a little break and have them live with another decent human being. The amen would probably blow me across the room.

It seems we have gone from respecting input from elders to "to hell with what the elders think." And guess what -- its the elders who pay for all the Kleenex, the anti depressants, the gas to drive to the psychiatrist appointments (lest they commit suicide), take the grand kids before CAS nabs them, lends you their car, bank card, gas card, and let you live basement free like Arthurritis on King of Queens.

So what about t.v. last night? At least on More to Love, the Luckey Luke, took the wifely choices to meet the fam. and actually paid attention to what his parents thought about his wife to be. Good old Dad was suckered in by the Queen of I'm It To Win It. Good old Mom saw through the I'm as shallow as Anna Nicole's explanation that she loved the 90 yr. old guy in the wheel chair. Mom's silence spoke volumes when Luke asked Mom if Miss I'm So Wonderful would make a good wife?

So back to my title, everything in life has a domino effect -- say hello to the fat that arrived after the Domino pizza driver left many of those wagon wheel sized dressed pizzas and you said exercise was too hard. Or to gum disease from not flossing, speeding tickets from speeding, sitting home alone from bad manners.

But most of all, pay attention to the results of getting involved with a train wreck of a person. It is sad to see such a disintegration of the magical voice Whitney Houston was blessed with and I'll lay my Snowie on the line that Mama Whitney said "don't date that dog Bobby" "don't do the drugs!" If it wasn't for the miracle of voice regulators, Whitney couldn't make us believe she can sing --raspy is the golden voice today.

So God made good parents for a reason -- there is a joy in having wise parents put in their two cents -- its effects may be just like winning the lottery.

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