Monday, September 21, 2009

Karma, Karma wherefore art Thou Karma!!!

There is such a joy in being around the unselfish, relaxed, generous, kind, giving, don't break the law folk. The folks that when their number comes up on speed dial, or you see them in a store, you yell "Yea - where ya been ?" As I wait to see about my new position, I do worry. A few weeks ago, I spent three days of training under the Sales Manager from hell -- the Child of Hitler and the Devil Wears Prada, who I dubbed the Pitbull. Why do the bullies, the Dictators, somehow make it to Supervisor. Usually the miserable and the bullies have to go work for themselves, -- who else can stand them? I know if this guy was calling me, I would be hiding in the closet screaming "Oh Shit! I had hoped you had been hit by a bus!!!"

Sadly, I had to terminate that offer because I loved the product but hated the Pitbull. Mr. Bully pants said reporting to him daily was a must, and I knew I'd be screaming "Shit, Shit, Shit" more than an outhouse cleaner .

If you are lucky you can do the tolerate, the avoid thing but what do you do if these bullies seep into your Pleasantville -- a relative, boss, sister, neighbour -- you are so cooked??? Heads up -- bullies don't always show their fangs right away and give you a good reason to depart and depart fast. In fact they often appear helpless, pathetic, whining, and in need of Jesus!!

I recall a lovely empty house I bought ten years ago (now I know why it was empty for so long ) and had to sell it after 6 months. After moving in, Mr. Friendly, Welcome to the Neighbourhood Guy, told me day one in his Pitbull way "I couldn't put up a fence on my own property, because it would make his walk way too small." His kid's tree house was staying on my property as well and too bad if I had a problem with his kids using my hot tub as their jungle gym. According to Mr. Pitbull my Casa was his Casa and there was no negotiation. I would have called Bully Busters but they don't exist, although some people claim I am to call the Banditos. Since you can't fix stupid, I hammered in the For Sale sign on the lawn and phoned Karma instead.

Hard to do, just walk away from a bully and let him have his way but who needs hell - life is short. So I leave it to Karma to deal with the bullies. I really want to know what Karma brought him -- I do know his company collapsed, maybe his abused wife left too with the kids and a heart attack or two later, he doesn't have a house so he can dictate to the new neighbour where they can or cannot put their fence. Only problem big bullies make little bullies -- so the tribe is runing around somewhere.

I often tell clients if they act like Hitler, look out, Karma's a coming. Or in a hope of offering some consolment to the victims of the bullies, that they will get their KARMA will take care of them - be sure. Next question is always "what is Karma?" Karma is an Eastern Religious concept - fruits of your actions. If you act horribly to others, you will reap a whole orchard of miserable back -- its a big "GET LOST!" over and over -- who wants to to do business with the mean ones.

Just to highlight that point, i had the joy of seeing Karma in the flesh on Saturday. I worked for a scam artist real estate Broker. With her harmless mousy exterior she didn't look like a mean one but she was. Probably was a writer on that movie "The Dirty Rotten Scoundrels." Scam, scam the folks and couldn't care less!!! In our short time, she stiffed me on some rental commissions, gave away potential listings I worked on and lied like a rug, and expected me to cover for her -- it was her company. She obviously didn't come with a moral compass.

If the mouse's lips were moving she was lying . One day I had enough and gave her a big "G- E - T L - O - S - T " and walked out of her office with a bit of advice "this office would fold its doors." She lifted her mousy little face and just gave a great, big smug smile. I remember sitting in the car and thinking "one day I'll be doing the laughing."

Well lo and behold Karma didn't let me down. I found out mousy embezzled over ONE MILLION DOLLARS and spent a year under house arrest, lost her broker's licence, and probably hasn't a friend to her name. Well Saturday I was out and Karma thought I needed the last laugh with my smart ass bully. How the starch was out of her smug face -- she was half the size, aged, and just kept her hand over her mouth the whole time -- she ain't laughing now.

I once heard a joke that a man was sitting in church and the devil appeared on the alter and cleared the place in two minutes, except for one peaceful looking man. The devil got right in his face and roared " stupid, why are you sitting there -- why aren't you terrified of me and running out of here?" He got right in the devil's face and said "you don't scare me, I have been married to your sister for years."

Anyhow I am going to keep acting in my usual cooperative way with folks regardless of what bullies I encounter -- knowing Karma will make sure that they get theirs. Ain't Karma something????

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