Sunday, September 13, 2009

Arlie's Angels

Yesterday I went to St. Jacobs and as I walked along the store front area, occasionally as I looked down I sighted on the sidewalk a little silver/gold angel. Well for any of you that know me well, next to my Ramblin Rose love in a motor home dream,( could be a song eh kids), I'm a paid Intuitive and I love angels. Yes I said it and if you want to phone the LPH that I'm certifiable -- you go for it girl!!!

And like Martin Luther King, I have a dream. I have a dream to build a salute to Angels. To build the town of Angelwood so everyone can know Angels do exist and we have something real to hang onto when we find out Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy are disciplinary tools the parents use oh so cleverly to keep us in line. Anyhow, back to the St. Joseph's tale, my first thought as an intuitive is -- is this a sign for me and then as I continued on I realized, BONANZA this is a fantastic marketing tool. I l-o-v-e simple, good marketing ideas.

Some smart woman, notice I said a woman, had sprinkled probably a whole bag of angel like confetti along the side walk to lead the flock to her angel store. Now I'm sure she was breaking some city ordinance, but she did it anyway to get our attention and I was glad she caught mine.

Her store was lovely for all of you who are angelaholics (second to being a chocaholic) and she could not keep up with the counter trade. It reminded me of my old bakery days when the ham and cheese croissants were coming out of the oven and people were almost as ridiculous as the stampede at the Jewish Bazaar.

Now this is just a suggestion kids, not a direction. I think everyone should have an angel memento or a room, if you are so bold, to inspire and remind you each day; no. 1. If you think you are alone well, you is wrong and no. 2. There is an Asshole or an Angel in each of us, its our daily choice!!!

Does anyone remember 9/ll and how Assholes turned into Angels -- oh yes. The same guy who gave the beggar the finger and four letter directive that meant "get your ass off my step", was the same guy who passed out free meals to anyone who was working to free the trapped in the towers. We became beautiful people who prayed and watched goodness unfold on the t.v. There were people from London that piled into vehicles to see if they could help dig and some to council. That was the moment when our universal wings just pushed through our clothes and we stood proud and gleaming just like the day when we arrived straight from heaven.

So, that is what is on my plate for today before I start out on another mini holiday to Petrolia. Do you remember how you felt before 9/ll -- and how you felt after 9/ll -- well stay like the person after. Don't be the asshole who has to lean on the horn and scare the crap out of the driver that just made an error in judgement. No one is perfect, hello. Don't you think they aren't already in a state of terror tooling down a one way street the wrong way? Like you leaning on the horn, shaking your bony little fist and mouthing "stupid asshole" is going to solve the problem.

There is such a gift of joy in being compassionate and to bring peace in all situations. So I'm going to try to CHOOSE to be an angel. You just never know, I may find little white feathers sprinkled all around my feet. Want to join me??? P.S. This is Blog No. 13 -- my lucky no. so this one must be important.


  1. Thank you for sharing your dream. I really feel the love and faith in your blog today!
    I love the angel dust story. Good for you Arlene ~ naming your dream and committing to make it happen.
    Love Queen Bee

  2. hey it me- I like your blog it makes me laugh and think! yes i can do both at once!
    Did you find my special angel gift at that store- she is pretty stylish!! Keep blogin- | like to hear about all your adventures- I like the angel sprinkles - great way to bring observant people to where you want them
    talk to you soon
